Algo.Rules - How do we get the ethics into the code?
Carla Hustedt

Algo.Rules - How do we get the ethics into the code? 9 rules for the design of algorithmic systems

Extended Ligthning Talks CANCELLED: Crunching Numbers Like a Journalist
Marie-Louise Timcke
Big Data, Data Science, Statistics

Marie will talk about how newsrooms work with data on a day to day basis, and how scientific accuracy fits in with the pace of news reporting.

PEP 581 and PEP 588: Migrating CPython's Issue Tracker
Mariatta Wijaya
Community, Use Cases

PEP 581 and PEP 588: Migrating CPython's Issue Tracker Let's hear about some of the proposed plans on improving CPython's workflow, and learn how you can help and take part in this process.

Python 2020+
Łukasz Langa
Community, Use Cases, Python

Python is at crossroads. Very successful but peculiarly missing in some spaces like mobile devices, client-side Web, or gaming. Should we do something about it? How could we go about changing that?

Rethinking Open Source in the Era of Cloud & Machine Learning
Peter Wang

Open Source is a wildly successful and crucial part of many areas of modern technology. However, the ’sustainability crisis’ and the age of cloud computing have threatened its core mechanisms.
