Does hate sound the same in all languages?
Andrada Pumnea
Deep Learning, Data Science, Natural Language Processing, Data Mining / Scraping

Does hate sound the same in all languages? Join this talk to learn more about hate speech detection in a language less circulated, from dataset creation to hate speech recognition model..

Python-Powered OSINT! Modernising Open Source Intelligence for Investigating Disinformation
Chiin-Rui Tan, Dare Imam-Lawal
Artificial Intelligence, Algorithms, Data Science, Machine Learning, Web, Data Mining / Scraping, Use Cases

Socio-Technical Python for OSINT! The old state discipline of gathering intelligence from open sources is today critical for investigating Disinformation but has lacked modernisation. A former UK Gov Head of DataSci presents a maturity model for updating legacy OSINT with Python!

Your Name Is Invalid!
Miroslav Šedivý
Algorithms, Community, Natural Language Processing, Web, Data Mining / Scraping, Use Cases

If your code tells me “Your Name Is Invalid!”, then your code is probably invalid. Names of people cannot be invalid.
